Nikil Prabhakar Nikil Prabhakar

Exploring Copilot's Role in Dataflow: A Dive into its Functionality

In the realm of Power BI Dataflow, we're accustomed to the richness of functionality and the ease with which these functionalities can transform data. But what about Copilot? Can it help us navigate complex operations such as append, merge, pivot, unpivot, and group by?

While we may not need assistance with basic operations like filtering and renaming columns, Copilot's potential in tackling more complex tasks remains to be explored. In this video, we'll delve into Copilot's capabilities and determine its effectiveness in handling these intricate data manipulation operations.

Let's find out together...

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Andre Fomin Andre Fomin

How to remove blanks and repeats form tables and charts in parent child hierarchies #powerbi #dax

Should core PowerBI visuals natively support Parent Child hierarchies? Yes... do they? No... We have to deal with blanks and repeats and all kinds of things to make our charts and tables look nice. Well, in this video I offer you my approach to clean up your visualizations so they look exactly the way you want them to look.

Should core PowerBI visuals natively support Parent Child hierarchies? Yes... do they? No... We have to deal with blanks and repeats and all kinds of things to make our charts and tables look nice. Well, in this video I offer you my approach to clean up your visualizations so they look exactly the way you want them to look.

this is the DAX code that i used in this video, first we need to create a measure that allows us to understand what level of hierarchy we currently are in.

Current Level = 
ISFILTERED(Org[Level 1]) + 
ISFILTERED(Org[Level 2]) +
ISFILTERED(Org[Level 3]) +
ISFILTERED(Org[Level 4]) + 
ISFILTERED(Org[Level 5]) + 
ISFILTERED(Org[Level 6]) 

Then we write another measure that will allow us to say if we want to keep the current hierarchy member in the visual or not.

mustHide = 
    [Current Level],
    1, FALSE(),
    2, ISBLANK(SELECTEDVALUE(Org[Level 2])),
    3, ISBLANK(SELECTEDVALUE(Org[Level 3])),
    4, ISBLANK(SELECTEDVALUE(Org[Level 4])),
    5, ISBLANK(SELECTEDVALUE(Org[Level 5])),
    6, (SELECTEDVALUE(Org[Level 5]) = SELECTEDVALUE(Org[Name/Role])) || ISBLANK(SELECTEDVALUE(Org[Level 5]))

And lastly, we take our business measure that we would like to display in our table, matrix or other chart.

Headcount = 
        ISBLANK([Direct Reports]),
        var _path = [Selected Leader]

                PATHCONTAINS(Org[path], _path) && _path <> Org[ID]

and now you are cooking with gas :)

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Andre Fomin Andre Fomin

Copilot in Power BI Desktop - what does good look like? #powerbi #copilot #msfabric #review

Who is going to win in the upcoming AI vendors showdown? My guess is it will be whoever can figure out how to make AI understand the intricacies of various business domains, like sales and supply chain, for example. So this is the context that I use to understand the effectiveness and usefulness of #Copilots in #PowerBI and #MSFabric. How good is it, and how would we know? Who is it built for? These are some of the questions that I am trying to tackle in this video.

Who is going to win in the upcoming AI vendors showdown? My guess is it will be whoever can figure out how to make AI understand the intricacies of various business domains, like sales and supply chain, for example. So this is the context that I use to understand the effectiveness and usefulness of #Copilots in #PowerBI and #MSFabric. How good is it, and how would we know? Who is it built for? These are some of the questions that I am trying to tackle in this video.

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